Embrace the Adventure


Enneagram Coaching & Soul Formation

Do you feel Trapped  - Overwhelmed  -  Frustrated  -  Discouraged?

The only way to lasting happiness and contentment is through healthy relationships with others, God and yourself!

Our coaching program can help you become a healthier you and find the courage to embrace your adventure!

The Power of the Enneagram

The Enneagram (Any-a-gram) is a personality assessment; one of many tools that can be used for self-discovery.  

Most personality tests focus on the WHAT (external behaviors) - an introvert, a type A

The Enneagram helps you discover WHY.   It’s like an internal GPS that shows you how you are aligned with the healthiest destination.

The Enneagram system identifies each person as one of nine types. Each type has an equal value, but each person is unique.

Why Do I Need Coaching?

Both the Enneagram and Soul Formation are in-depth tools that are difficult to fully utilize without professional guidance.  Anyone can read a book or listen to a podcast, but true transformation will come through committing yourself to a concentrated time of guidance and work.

Book a Free Consultation to see if Coaching is the right option for you

Learn how the Enneagram can help you break through limiting Labels & Beliefs

Check out Mindy Drewer’s interview on Sarah Boxx’s podcast, “No Labels, No Limits”


“We first met through hearing Paul preach and it made us want to keep going back each week. He and his wife Mindy are a lovely, intelligent, and encouraging couple. They have helped us find answers to our 'whys' and give us a better understanding of ourselves and our walk with God. They are a fabulous team and won't let you down. We highly recommend using their services.”  - Lou & Trudy M.


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